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   编辑:唐四薪    发布时间: 2023/04/26 08:45     来源: 计算机学院     点击次数:





(1) Xiaoqing Wan, Feng Chen, Wu Liu, Yupeng He. Artificial gorilla troops optimizer enfolded broad learning system for spatial-spectral hyperspectral image classification, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2024.

(2) Xiaoqing Wan, Shuanghao Chen. Hyperspectral image classification using improved multiscale block local binary pattern and bi- exponential edge-preserving smoother, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2023.

(3) Xiaoqing Wan, Chunhui Zhao. Spectral-Spatial Hyperspectral Image Classification Combining Multi-Scale Bi-Exponential Edge-Preserving Filtering and SUSAN Edge Detector, Infrared Physics & Technology, 2019, 102: 103055.

(4) Xiaoqing Wan, Chunhui Zhao. Local receptive field constrained stacked sparse autoencoder for classification of hyperspectral images, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 2017, 34(6): 1011-1020.

(5) Xiaoqing Wan, Chunhui Zhao. Integration of adaptive guided filtering, deep learning and edge detection techniques for hyperspectral image classification, Optical Engineering, 2017, 56(11): 113106.

(6) Xiaoqing Wan, Chunhui Zhao, Wu Liu. Stacked sparse autoencoder in hyperspectral data classification using spectral-spatial, higher order statistics and multifractal spectrum features. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2017.

(7) Chunhui Zhao, Xiaoqing Wan, Genping Zhao, Yiming, Yan. Spectral-spatial classification of hyperspectral images using trilateral filter and stacked sparse autoencoder. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2017,11(1): 016033.

(8) Chunhui Zhao, Xiaoqing Wan, Bing Cui. Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Imagery Based on Stacked Sparse Autoencoder and Random Forest, European Journal of Remote Sensing, 2017.

(9) Chunhui Zhao, Bing Gao, Lejun Zhang, Xiaoqing Wan. Classification of hyperspectral imagery based on spectral gradient, svm and spatial random forest. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2018.

(10) Chunhui Zhao, Wu Liu, Haifeng Zhang, Xiaoqing Wan. Super-resolution mapping of remote sensing image based on joint dictionary sparse representation. Journal of Harbin Engineering University, 2018.

(11) Xiaoqing Wan, Chunhui Zhao. Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Based on Joint Bilateral Filter and Stacked Sparse Autoencoder, First International Conference on Electronics Instrumentation & Information Systems (EIIS), 2018.


(2)赵春晖,尤伟,焦恒,齐滨,万晓青.一种基于递归型核机器学习的高光谱异常目标检测方法, 2015(国家发明专利).

版权所有:威尼斯澳门人(VNKS认证)亚洲第一品牌-BinG百科NO.1 ©2024  地址:湖南省衡阳市珠晖区衡阳师范学院计算机楼
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